Small Habits That Can Improve the Health of Your Loved Ones in Nursing Homes

Small Habits That Can Improve the Health of Your Loved Ones in Nursing Homes

You want the best for your loved ones, especially if they’re residing in nursing homes. Living in a nursing home can present various challenges, including adjusting to a new environment, managing health conditions, and maintaining social connections.

However, by incorporating specific habits into your routine when visiting your loved ones, you can support their overall health and happiness. These habits may seem small, but their impact can be profound, enhancing both physical and emotional well-being.

Adopting the right habits to ensure residents’ health is more crucial given the rise in the number of deficiencies in nursing home centers. There was a rise in the average number of deficiencies between 2015 and 2023, increasing from 6.8 to 8.9, marking a 31% increase

Moreover, the proportion of facilities indicating a severe deficiency climbed from 17% to 26%. The findings, extracted from a study by KFF, highlight the urgency for families to be vigilant.  This post will explore how simple practices can make a big difference in the quality of life for your loved ones in nursing homes.

Health Coach:

A health coach is a trained professional who assists individuals in achieving their health and wellness goals by providing personalized guidance, support, and accountability. Health coaches work with clients to develop holistic wellness plans that encompass various aspects of health, including nutrition, exercise, stress management, sleep, and lifestyle habits. They help clients identify their health priorities, set achievable goals, and implement sustainable behavior changes. Health coaching sessions may involve nutrition education, meal planning, fitness coaching, mindfulness practices, and ongoing monitoring to empower clients to take control of their health and well-being.

Engage in Meaningful Conversations to Boost Mental Well-Being

Engaging in meaningful conversations provides your loved ones with emotional support and stimulates cognitive functions. Encourage open communication to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns freely.

Engaging in meaningful conversations also helps alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation. This promotes a positive atmosphere and strengthens your relationship with them. Discussing topics of interest or reminiscing about fond memories can bring joy and laughter to their day. 

Providing mental health support is necessary in states like Missouri, which boasts a large number of nursing home facilities. According to the U.S. News & World Report, the state is home to 510 nursing homes, among which 21 received an overall rating of 5/5. However, the positive ratings don’t mean that residents of these facilities are immune to abuse or neglect.

Recently, nearly 25% of nursing homes in the state were found not to have undergone a routine inspection in two or more years. Out of the 510 facilities in the state, 126 have not seen any inspection in at least two years, according to the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid in July 2023.

A similar trend is evident in St. Louis, a major city in Missouri. Recently, a nursing home in St. Louis was suddenly closed due to insufficient funding, leaving hundreds of residents more vulnerable. The mental trauma of such cases falls under the domain of personal injury, according to TorHoerman Law.

If your loved ones have experienced such brutality, then the time is ripe to contact Missouri or St. Louis personal injury lawyers. These lawyers are knowledgeable about the state’s regulations, making them reliable companions to navigate the legal environment.


Grounding, also known as earthing, refers to the practice of connecting oneself to the Earth’s electrical field by walking barefoot outdoors or using grounding products. This concept is based on the belief that direct contact with the Earth’s surface can provide numerous health benefits, such as reducing inflammation, improving sleep, and promoting relaxation. Grounding products typically include mats, sheets, and bands that conduct the Earth’s energy to the body, allowing individuals to experience its purported therapeutic effects.

Encourage Physical Activity to Enhance Mobility and Strength

Encouraging physical activity among your loved ones in nursing homes is essential for enhancing mobility and strength. It promotes independence and reduces the risk of falls and injuries. Engaging in regular physical activity also improves circulation and overall cardiovascular health.

Along with mobility and strength, physical activity can also prove extremely beneficial for mental well-being. It triggers physiological responses in the body, such as promoting the synthesis of growth factors. These substances affect the development of new blood vessels in the brain and aid in the health and longevity of newly generated brain cells.

Numerous studies have indicated that individuals who engage in regular exercise demonstrate larger volumes in the brain regions responsible for cognitive functions and memory. This contrasts with individuals who live sedentary lives. Encouraging physical activity among your loved ones not only improves their physical health but also enhances their mental well-being.

Prioritize Medication Management and Follow-up Appointments

Make medication management and follow-up appointments a priority for your loved ones in nursing homes. Proper medication management reduces the risk of adverse drug reactions and complications.

Active involvement in scheduling and attending follow-up appointments with healthcare providers is crucial. It allows for ongoing assessment of your loved one’s health status and adjustment of treatment plans as needed.

By prioritizing medication management and follow-up appointments, you play a vital role in maintaining your loved one’s overall health and well-being. Your proactive approach ensures they receive the necessary medical care and support to thrive in their nursing home environment.

Regularly Visit to Monitor the Staff Behavior and Care Quality

Regularly visiting nursing homes allows you to closely observe staff behavior and care quality. You can interact with staff members and assess how they behave with residents. This active monitoring ensures your loved ones receive the care they deserve.

The need for frequent visits to monitor staff behavior is more critical than ever. Many residents hesitate to approach reliable individuals due to fear of retaliation from the nursing staff. These sentiments are echoed in a recent survey by the Long Term Care Community Coalition. The survey found that this fear acts as an obstacle in reporting, identifying, and investigating abuse.

By making frequent visits, you establish a presence and show that you are actively involved in your loved one’s care. This can deter any potential mistreatment or negligence from occurring. Your consistent presence also provides reassurance to your loved ones and fosters a sense of security.

During your visits, you can tackle any issues directly with the facility management. By advocating for your loved ones and addressing any shortcomings in care quality, you contribute to improving overall conditions in the nursing home.

Establish a Relaxing Environment for Quality Sleep and Rest

Create a relaxing environment in nursing homes to ensure your loved ones get quality sleep and rest. This involves minimizing noise and distractions, maintaining comfortable room temperatures, and ensuring proper lighting levels. Such an environment promotes relaxation and facilitates better sleep quality.

Encourage the use of relaxation techniques before bedtime. These practices can help alleviate stress and promote a sense of calmness. Additionally, providing comfortable bedding and pillows tailored to individual preferences enhances comfort and promotes restful sleep.

Regularly assess the sleeping environment and address any issues that may disrupt sleep patterns. By creating a relaxing environment conducive to quality sleep and rest, you contribute to the overall well-being of your loved ones in nursing homes. 

In conclusion, incorporating these habits can significantly enhance the health and well-being of your loved ones in nursing homes. From monitoring staff behavior to encouraging physical activity, every effort plays a vital role. By establishing a relaxing environment for quality sleep and rest and engaging in meaningful conversations, you contribute to their overall health. Even the smallest habits can make a big difference in improving the lives of those we care about in nursing homes.